Letters to the Editor 4-2024

Kudos to Hinduism Today!

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of watching the World Hindu Congress 2023 event online, which took place in Bangkok. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to hear Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswamiji’s speech. He provided valuable insights into the remarkable history and extraordinary contributions of Hinduism Today since its establishment in 1979. I also want to extend my congratulations to your entire Hinduism Today magazine team for receiving the award at the event. Your tireless dedication to nurturing the spiritual and social movement is highly commendable.

balakumar muthu 


Kauai Hindu Monastery, in my view, is one of the most important organizations based in the US that is committed to preserving and communicating Hinduism around the globe. Whatever I say is indeed a very small part of the tremendous work they do. Both Paramacharyaji and Acharyaji also participated in a conference that I organized on soft power in Delhi in 2018. Since then, they have encouraged me to contribute articles of relevance to Hinduism Today, the latest one being on Sri Aurobindo. The magazine is a one-stop shop for inspiring content on Hinduism. And I am also confident to say that the magazine has content on Hinduism that has never before been seen or read; a cursory look at it will enable you to understand the import of my statement. In many ways, they are doing just what Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayanandaji envisioned: awakening Hindus to Hinduism. 

sudarshan ramabadran 


I am thrilled to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Bodhinatha and the entire team for being honored with the World Hindu Congress special Honorary Award for Hinduism Today! This prestigious recognition is a testament to the dedicated efforts and hard work invested by each team member. Hinduism Today has indeed enriched the world with a wealth of knowledge. It is a world-class contribution.

vanita sutherman 


You Know You Are in Rishikesh…

I spent five years of my life in India. I love Rishikesh and consider it to be my Indian home. Here is a humble poem I wish to share with your readers: 

You know you’re in Rishikesh when instead of discussing the weather, you tell your taxi driver all about your guru, and he tells you about his. 

You know you’re in Rishikesh when instead of rock music blaring out of speakers, you hear melodic chants to God.   

You know you’re in Rishikesh when the main thoroughfare is the shining Ganges gently lapping the shores. 

You know you’re in Rishikesh when the most common pickpockets you have to worry about are not at all interested in your rupees. The main muggers you have to guard against are the free-roaming monkeys, who will snatch any tasty tidbit out of your hands.  

You know you’re in Rishikesh when the only legal cheeseburger on the menu is just that—a bun with cheese in the middle. 

You know you’re in Rishikesh when the only wine you can legally buy is incense, which drifts across your room and intoxicates you as you meditate.                           

Ambuja Rosen

Science in Hinduism

I totally agree with the claims made by Michael Cavalli in his article, “Hinduism’s Enduring Respect for Science” (Oct/Nov/Dec 2023). It has been widely accepted that ancient Hindus made enormous contributions to science in numerous areas, such as astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, metallurgy, medicine (ayurveda) and surgery, to mention a few. However, not many people are aware of the fact that in Hindu scriptures, such as Puranas, which are thousands of years old, it is mentioned that plants and trees have consciousness and are living beings. 

Ironically, before the advent of the 20th century, science did not acknowledge the vitality of trees and plants. Then, on May 10, 1901, Jagdish Chandra Bose proved through scientific experiments that plants are like any other life form. This scientific discovery could have been made a lot sooner if the scientists had paid attention to our scriptural writings. 

I suspect that a similar thing will happen in the field of consciousness. While our scriptures teach, Sarvam khalvidam Brahman, “All this is consciousness,” scientists firmly refuse to accept the concept of consciousness because it cannot be measured empirically. It’s just a matter of time before they will have no option but to accept the proverbial elephant in the room, namely, consciousness, because it can explain phenomena that are inexplicable from the perspective of science. 

pradeep srivastava 


A Peaceful Turn for Kashmir

Excellent articulation of history, struggles and restoration activity with wonderful pictures (“New Temple Signals a Peaceful Turn for Kashmir,” Jan/Feb/Mar 2024). Thank you, Choodie, for sharing your experiences also.



This article provides information quite illuminative for people in the rest of India, who have been kept in the dark by Indian historians about the spiritual past of the Indian subcontinent. Thanks.

Anil Kesharwani


Choodie Shivaram’s article describing the rebuilding the Mata Sharada temple and its pratishtapana in 2023 at Teetwal in LOC Kashmir instills pride in the heart of every follower of Sanatana Dharma. It is elaborately and eloquently written, with geographical context, photos and history, giving the reader a clear view of the situation prevailing in Kashmir over the centuries and describing the ideal of harmony between all communities, too good to be true. The work of Save Sharada Peeth committee is truly commendable, kindling the hope and possibility of Sha­rada Peetha Yatra as a reality in the near future.

Meenakshi Mohan


More on Rudraksha Beads

Dear Nikki: It was great reading about the sacred beads (Jun/Jul/Aug 2023). Excellent! I was hoping to see in the article information about the sacred beads from the forest supported at the Kadavul Temple in Kauai, Hawaii, which we have visited. We have a bead garland of twenty-one beads for worship at home. In the article, I was also hoping to see a reference to the Indo-Nepal Rudraksha Organization—and book on this subject by Panduranga Rao, PhD., Human Relation of Rudraksha, Genesis & Manifestation. A key point to make is that these rudraksha are not unique to any one area of Indo-Nepal.

Akkaraju Sarma


Women as Priests

As far as I know, most Hindu ceremonies/rites are done with both man and woman together. See: “The Value of Hindu Home Worship” (Jan/Feb/Mar 2024). Additionally, there are many Hindu women priests, who are in great demand. And of course we have female forms of every Deity, often considered more powerful!



Where’s the Ram Temple Report?

The April issue you are reading went to press February 1, too soon after the opening of the Ram Temple to create a proper article. Be assured coverage will be in the July issue, including interviews with pilgrims and views of Hindu leaders on this historic event . 

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