Scriptural Quotes

The one has encompassed all; it is established upon the other. To Heaven and to Earth, which possesses all things, I have offered my worship.– Atharva Veda 1.32

Those who come to see me without the proper austerities will not derive any benefit from the pilgrimage.A pilgrimage without proper austerities is like going to the bazaar without money.– Lord Ayyappa

May Mitra, Varuna and Aryaman grant us freedom and space enough for us and for our children! May we find pleasant pathways, good to travel! Preserve us evermore, O Gods, with blessings.– Rig Veda 7.63.6

O guide of the spirits, restore to us our sight, give us again our life breath and powers of enjoyment. Long may our eyes behold the rising of the sun! May Soma give us once again a body and Pushan show us again the way of salvation.– Rig Veda 10.59.6-7

The ancient, effulgent being, the indwelling Spirit, subtle, deep, hidden in the lotus of the heart, is hard to know. But the wise man, following the path of meditation, knows Him, and is freed alike from pleasure and from pain.– Katha Upanishad

The twice-born gurukal should twice place the triple sectarian marks of ash mixed with water. Having scattered all sins by this twofold protection of his body, the gurukal should now be competent to perform all the sacrificial rites. — Karana Agama 64

I go for refuge to God who is One in the silence of eternity, pure radiance of beauty and perfection, in whom we find our peace. He is the bridge supreme which leads to immortality, and the spirit of fire which burns the dross of lower life. –Krishna Yajur Veda, Svetasvatara Upanishad 6.19

The Lord is in all beings and the entire Universe is in Him. All beings contain both Jeevatma and Paramatma Amsas. Some have predominance of the former, while yet some have the latter. Paramatmasa is predominant in the Grahas and the Gods.– Sage Parasara

That Godhead intended, "Well, I will enter into these three divinities (fire, water and food) with this living self (the individual soul) and will disseminate names and forms separately. Then that Godhead entered into these divinities with this living self.–Chandogya Upanishad 3.2

That Godhead intended, "Well, I will enter into these three divinities (fire, water and food) with this living self (the individual soul) and will disseminate names and forms separately. Then that Godhead entered into these divinities with this living self.–Chandogya Upanishad 3.2

As the spider spins and withdraws its thread, as plants grow on earth and hair on the head and body of a living man, so also out of the Imperishable springs forth this all.–Mundaka Upanishad 1.1.6-7

In the beginning, the Atman alone was this world in the form of man. He exclaimed, "That I am!" But he had also no joy or happiness; that is why one has no happiness,when he is alone. Then he desired for a second one. He divided into two parts; out of them arose the husband and the wife.–Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 4.1

Brahma, the self-existent, was performing fervid concentration. "In fervid concentration," he reflected, "there is no infinity. Come, let me sacrifice myself in living things and all living things in myself." Then, having sacrificed himself in all living things and all living things in himself, he acquired greatness, self-radiance and sovereignty.–Satapatha Brahmana

May the forefathers of ancient days protect me in this my prayer, in this my act, in this my priestly duty, in this my performance, in this my thought, in this my purpose and desire, in this my calling on the Gods! All Hail!– Atharva Veda Samhita 5.24.15

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