Quotes & Quips


Ma Yogashakti Saraswati


As is your devotion, so is your liberation. Good work brings good wages, a little work brings only a little wage. Swami Nityananda (??1961), guru of Baba Muktananda

India was the motherland of our race and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages. India was the mother of our philosophy, of much of our mathematics, of the ideals embodied in Christianity… of self-government and democracy. In many ways, Mother India is the mother of us all. Will Durant, American Historian (1885?1981)

If you were really good in a past life, you come back as something better. Seen in a Volkswagen ad for their revampment of the classic "Bug" automobile

We didn't inherit the Earth from our parents. We're borrowing it from our children. Chief Seattle (1788?1866) Squamish/Duwamish chief

Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully. The effect of this education on the Hindus is prodigious. No Hindu who has received an English education ever remains sincerely attached to his religion. Lord T. B. Macaulay (1800?1859), British statesman and architect of England's education policy in India, applauding the destructive success of the government schools for Hindus

The modern young (as well as the old) Hindu struggles in vain to understand the religion of his forefathers, and gives up the quest altogether. Swami Vivekananda (1863?1902)
summarizing the impact of Macaulay's education policy

The only thing harder than being a saint is living with one.

Man's control of nature external is called civilization. His control of nature internal is called culture. Swami Chinmayananda (1916?1992), founder, Chinmaya Mission, VHP

American President Abraham Lincoln was known for patience. One day his Secretary of War, Edwin Stantol, sought his advice regarding a heated conflict with an army general. The general had accused Santol of favoritism. Santol complained to Lincoln, who advised, "Tell him in a letter how you feel." Santol wrote a strongly-worded letter and showed it to Lincoln. Lincoln acknowledged his ability for the powerful language used, then asked, "Edwin, what are you going to do with it?" Santol was surprised at the question, but said calmly, "I will send it to the general." Lincoln shook his head with disapproval and said, "Do not send this letter. It is better if you burn it in the stove. That is what I do when I write letters when I am angry. It is definitely a good letter, and you had a nice time writing it. You feel better. Now please burn it and write another letter."



Sugar came from the Sanskrit word sakkara, for crystallized sugar, whence the Persian shakkar and the Roman saccharum. Sugarcane's original home is East India, and the making of sugar was long a trade secret. In 627 bce, the Emperor of China dispatched an envoy to learn the art. When sugar finally reached Europe, it quickly replaced honey as the favored sweetener. As for candy, the origin can be traced to the Sanskrit word sakkara khanda, or broken sugar.

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