IT IS AMAZING TO SEE THE FAITH and devotion people have for our religion. This morning I was reluctant to have a bath, thinking the water quality might be poor because of the big rush. But when I reached the bathing area, I found that the water quality was fairly good. I had a good holy dip. The most amazing experience was seeing the procession of naga sadhus who were coming from Sangam after having a holy bath. Their age was from 10 to 90 years. While we were wearing so many clothes and still feeling cold, these people were walking almost naked. For sure there is some super power in Prayag—so many things are taking place here and the energy level is so high. These initiates were sitting in the cold, but we could see peace and tranquility on their faces. Everyone must visit a Kumbh Mela at least once in their lifetime.

Devjeet and Nita Datta
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AFTER EXPERIENCING THIS KUMBH, we feel that had we not participated in it we would have committed a big blunder. Such a mega-event cannot be organized without the blessings of God Himself, and I salute the Uttar Pradesh government. What we have spent to be here is immaterial. Personally, I believe one should spend at least ten percent of one’s income on activities connected to our religion. All other expenses we incur are of little worth. The kind of strong spiritual vibrations that are here right now can be experienced no where else in the world. Pilgrims from all over are rushing here to have a bath in the confluence of three rivers. They have forgotten their physical existence and are immersed in God. They just want to have the bath, and then spend time singing bhajans and doing meditation at this powerful, holy place. Here we have got so easily a jewel of our life. This is usually difficult to obtain, but here in Prayag it is available to anyone.

Shri Bhupinder Singh Yadav works for the Border Security Force
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I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING like this before. It is amazing to see how so many people believe in the same thing and are doing the same thing with such great belief. My friends are in shock. They told me just a few minutes ago that for them it is a dream to be here and experience this. It is something beyond their imagination. In our country, Israel, there is nothing like this. Maybe 20 percent are religious, and they go to a synagogue and pray. But there is nothing like this where people gather in such large numbers and celebrate a festival together.

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Jonathan, second from left, a lawyer with his friends from Israel
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WE ARE WANDERING HERE TO meet some truly realized saints and get their divine blessings. We cannot go to the caves where the saints stay after the Kumbh, but we can definitely try to meet them when they are here after a gap of twelve years. We are looking for a saint who can tell us about our lives and show us some miracles, too. So far this has not happened, but I am sure we will get to see at least some miracle before we end our visit. So far, we get up in the morning, have a bath in Ganga and then spend the day touching the feet and having darshan of the holy men whose camps we are visiting. I think these saints are themselves incarnations of various Gods and Goddesses.

Deepak, a professional astrologer, with his wife Karuna
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