Hinduism Today

Quotes & Quips

“Do not love leisure. Waste not a minute. Be bold. Realize the Truth here and now!” – Swami Sivananda (1887-1963)

Comprehending Comprehension

A father’s advice to a son eager for spiritual mastery The following is a translation of the Chandogya Upanishad’s chapter

Instilling Hindu Values

Hindu parents should teach their children to be both knowledgeable and proud of their religion By Mansa Devaki I was fortunate

Join Us for Ganesha Chaturthi

It’s one of our favorite holidays, bringing us all together as we prepare for and celebrate the advent of the

Confronting Gender Stereotypes

Are they driven by religious beliefs, custom or societal forces? By Shaina Grover, California Throughout history, the role of women

Avoiding Diabetes

Current medical advice isn’t preventing this killing disease By Dr. Virender Sodhi Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death

Superb Hindu Teaching Aid Released

A review of the Malaysia Hindu Sangam’s concise and authentic presentation of Sanatana Dharma’s commonly held beliefs and practices   In

The Day Robertson Vilified Hinduism

Our 1995 story on the recently retired evangelist recounts how he labeled Hinduism as “demonic” and advocated keeping Hindus out

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