Educational Resources

Home Sanctuary

What is the center of your home? The kitchen, the workshop, the living room or den? The ancients designated a […]

Precious Precepts

Be they in India or transported to other cultures of the world, today’s Hindu youth are routinely tempted by Western

Silence is Golden . . .

Many think of silence simplistically, as just the absence of noise, or not speaking words. But silence, like life itself,

Sacred Pilgrimage

Five duties, called pancha kriya, form the traditional minimal practices expected of every Hindu: upasana (worship); utsava (holy days); dharma

Lanka’s Yogaswami

He strode powerfully along the roads and fields of his island each day, and those who saw him coming would

Tulsi and Rudraksha

Plants provide our food, clothes, medicine, building materials and the oxygen we breath, yet we seldom honor their import. Perhaps

Sacred Symbols

We rarely think about it, but symbols are everywhere around us–potent, poignant images, visual markers for something vitally meaningful to

Death and Dying

The Transition Called Death: Each of us must ultimately confront our mortality. For Hindus, this is not a fearsome prospect.

The DNA of Dharma

Though Hindus are doggedly nondogmatic, they do hold common beliefs which, like a mental molecular structure, determine who they are

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