Educational Resources

Lighten UP

The following Insight section features the work of the cartoonists for Hinduism Today. It is a seven page cartoon special […]

Chakras: The Chapels Within

There are fourteen great nerve centers in the physical body, in the astral body and in the body of the

Fabric Begets Fashion

With tucks and pleats, flowing folds and knotted ties, Indians have for tens of centuries fashioned impeccable apparel from unstitched

The Colors of Our Consciousness

By Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami The human aura extends out around the body from three to four feet, even from five

Dharmic Differences

Asia’s two spiritual titans, Hinduism and Buddhism, have exerted profound influence on the planet and its people since their beginnings.

Seeker’s Wordbook

For years, readers have been asking for definitions of the most common and basic Hindu terms. Here is a glossary

Seeking What’s Real

SRI ADI SHANKARA IS IRREFUTABLY ONE OF THE MOST significant historical figures of India. His life story, writings and sayings

The Path of Grace

DURING THE 12TH TO 16TH CENTURIES’ “BHAKTI RENAISSANCE,” five great schools of Vaishnavism arose, founded by saints Ramanuja, Madhva, Nimbarka,

Twenty Vedic Laws

How often do you see a professional team of people misbehave on the job? You’re on a flight from San

Cues and Clues

Nearly every indigenous people on Earth is reevaluating, rediscovering and reappreciating its ancient ways, the traditions of the forefathers. Tradition

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