
The Spoiling of the Ganges

Our consciousness has gone in-to a slumber. Our sensitivity has slipped into a strange coma,” laments activist Rakesh Kumar Jaiswal […]

Malaysia’s Everest Quest

Interviews by RAMESH SIVANATHAN and RAJAKUMAR M ANICKAM, Malaysia Thank God! Thank God!’ was the first thing I said when

Kerala Siva Temples

By VRINDAVANAM S. GOPALAKRISHNAN Two thousand and more timber temples dot Kerala’s verdant landscape. Devotee’s devotion have created them in

India – Once Plentiful

Most of us college-educated Indians were taught that inefficient technologies and low productivities pervaded through long ages in practically all

Multi-Tailed Comet Visits

Comets through the ages have always brought with them a sense of mystery, foreboding awe and sometimes downright terror. Can

Sky’s Not the Limit

By LAVINA MELWANI, NEW YORK Who would have thought that a young Indian girl with her feet firmly on the

Sacred Psychiatry

By VRINDAVANAM S. GOPAIAKRISHNAN My wife developed mental problems when she was pregnant in 1965. All types of treatment, from

City’s Cross Must Go

In two decisions just days apart by the United States Federal Court of Appeals in San Francisco, California, a 103-foot

Tulsi and Rudraksha

Plants provide our food, clothes, medicine, building materials and the oxygen we breath, yet we seldom honor their import. Perhaps

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