Health & Ayurveda

Tackling Depression

BY VIRENDER SODHI In my article in the July/August/September issue I wrote about clinical depression in young people and the […]

Combatting Aging

BY VIRENDER SODHI Ayurvedic medicine has delineated rejuvenation as a speciality whose main purpose is to maintain health and virility

Preventing Colds & Flu

BY VIRENDER SODHI Everyone has respiratory infections. statistics show that an average adult can expect to get two to three

Ayurveda Gets a Boost

By Mamta Landerman The California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine, CAAM, brought together 300 people for a weekend of talks, panel

‘I Love Cloth Diapers’

By Darshani Sukumaran When I had our daughter a few months ago and people found out I was using cloth

The Alcohol Trap

By Greesh C. Sharma The Indian community in America, now just over one million people, has a positive image. Its

Schooling the Blind

Since its establishment in 1979, the Navajeevan Blind Relief Centre, located in the famed temple town of Tirupati in South

Got Milk? And How!

By Hari Bansh Jha Seventy-year-old Doodh Dhari Baba lives on two liters of milk a day and nothing else. His

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