Hindu Basics

Marriage Arranging

Love marriage versus arranged marriage. Both work; both fail. In the West the concept of falling in love with that […]

Chakras: The Chapels Within

There are fourteen great nerve centers in the physical body, in the astral body and in the body of the

Relinquish Duality’s Bane

BY (JADE) JYOTI CHANDRANANDA, USA True spiritual seekers couldn’t ask for better astrological alignments in 1998. Jupiter, the planet of

Why Did She Have to Die?

By CHAKRAPANI ULLAL, Los ANGELES Vedic Astrology lifts the veil of illusions to reveal the underlying mental, emotional and psychological

Destroy Egocentric Desire and Anger

BY JAGADGURU SHANKARACHARYA SRI BHARATI TIRTHA Adi Shankaracharya says, “again birth, again death and again lying in the mother’s womb.

Twenty Vedic Laws

How often do you see a professional team of people misbehave on the job? You’re on a flight from San

Suicide and Free Will

As the suicide of 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate group in San Diego in March an event predetermined by

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