Hindu Basics

Puja’s Passion

Stephen P. Huyler began as an outsider. “I prided myself on my objectivity,” he says in his preface to Meeting […]

Indra Devi at 100

By Mukunda Stiles Indra Devi has traversed the entire twentieth century. In the 1920s, she toured Europe as a star

Karma: Life’s Logical Rationale

BY SADHU VIVEKJIVANDAS The recent Glenn Hoddle controversy, that cost him his us$575,600-a-year job as England’s soccer coach, seems to

Meet Yogi Hari

“The most effective way to teach children anything is to live it yourself,” says Leela Mata. She is wife of

The Donkey And the Carrot

BY SATGURU SIVAYA SUBRAMUNIYASWAMI All my life, since the time I was seven years old, I have made a great

Life After Death

Death is the most fateful experience of each of our lives. But no Hindu really fears death, nor does he

What Miracles Are Made of

BY SATGURU SIVAYA SUBRAMUNIYASWAMI Aum Ganesha! We just returned from Anchorage, Alaska, where we inaugurated the opening of the first

The Unifying Power of “Aum”

BY SWAMI NIRLIPTANANDA Modern science has impacted mankind in a short span of time. Over-dependence on technology and scientific achievements

Dharma in Delhi

By Rajiv Malik I never expected to find six acres of manicured gardens five minutes from New Delhi Railway Station,

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