August, 1999

August, 1999

Monks With a Mission

A hundred years ago, sixteen impoverished boys gathered under the guidance of Swami Vivekananda to form the Belur monastery. “We […]


LAUDABLE COVERAGE HINDUISM TODAY’S COVERAGE OF CHRISTIANITY in India, India’s Christian Muddle, (June 1999) was excellent for both Hindus and


PHILOLOGY Sikh Stamp Canada Post released a 46-cent stamp commemorating the Sikh Khalsa’s 300th year of existence and the 100th

The Unifying Power of “Aum”

BY SWAMI NIRLIPTANANDA Modern science has impacted mankind in a short span of time. Over-dependence on technology and scientific achievements

Digital Dharma

YOUTH Kids' Site Children are smarter than most people think. With this in mind, concerned parents, Ajay and Arti Jaiman,

Troupe Wins Emmy Award

My job is to inspire bhakti within them,” Hema Rajagopalan explained, “Their job onstage is to transport the audience to

Postpartum Blues?

By Vatsala Sperling Pregnancy, childbirth and parenting present intense challenges for all women, challenges that are compounded in industrialized societies

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