December, 1992

December, 1992

Astrology in the Ascendant

Yet another of Hinduism's sacred sciences is taking root in Western soil, Hindu astrology, or jyotisha, "the science of light." […]

Where is Hinduism Heading?

Readers keep reminding us that no other journal in the world monitors today's news about the people, projects, problems and

Radha Comes To America

Texas Temple to Enshrine Her as Supreme Deity On the auspicious full-moon day of Sharad Purnima (October 11th) H.D. Swami

MSG – A Hidden Hazard

There is an invisible substance that is contained in almost all prepared, canned, frozen, enhanced or packaged food. It is

Let’s Talk About Suicide

This is definitely something that we have to discuss, as the percentages are too high to ignore the problem that

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