February, 1989

February, 1989

Worshipped Around the World

No other religion offers such insight into the intricate workings of our universe than Hinduism. More importantly, no other religion […]


The Wishing Tree Christopher Isherwood on Mystical Religion Author: Christopher Isherwood Harper & Row, Publishers pb $9.95 10 East 53rd

The Big Business of Evangelizing

"One hundred thousand children die every month in India! We must rescue them. There are thousands sleeping in the streets

Wielding Five Shaktis

There are five great shaktis, or powers, of Lord Ganesha. These vibratory rates can be felt through your body and

At The Movies

Have Guru Darshan David Berry Productions. 43 Minutes. $29.97 Jal Vishwa Dist., Route #1, Box 60, Malmo, Nebraska. 68040 This

Routine Circumcision is Unnecessary

Tandavan, Doctor Circumcision is a surgical procedure that has become routine in the last 40-50 years in the United States.

Spanking Children

Are smacking, spanking (striking on the buttocks) or hitting children acceptable forms of punishment? In American and European society it

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