February, 2000

February, 2000

Testing the Time Theory

By Anthony Peter Westbrook If there is one aspect of the classical music of India that sets it apart from […]

Mauritius’ Spiritual Park

In the northeastern coast of the multicultural island-country of Mauritius, a remarkable Hindu pilgrimage destination has arisen. It is the

How Harmony Reigns in Mauritius

BY BRAHMACHARI VEL MAHALINGUM In the short 31 years since independence, Mauritius has made impressive progress economically, socially, intellectually and

Pope: ‘Convert all Hindus’

The pope really did Hindus a favor with his November visit to India. He united Hindus and Buddhists in opposition

The Fine Art of Apology

When we make mistakes and hurt others, anger builds up in the other person and our guilt grows. Most people

The Grameen Bank Miracle

Muhammad Yunus decided one day to step beyond the bounds of his Vanderbilt University PhD in economics and “get real.”

The Other Victims

Six hundred thousand indigenous people inhabit the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh, a region of 5,000 square miles which

Quotes & Quips

"FOLLOWING THE PATH OF KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT LOVE AND DEVOTION IS LIKE EATING STONES." Mata Amritanandamayi [00feb_fande.jpeg] Man arrives at immortality

Surviving in India

By Neesha Alahan I love India. It’s a place filled with magic and wonderment. I came here in 1995 to

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