January, 1993

January, 1993

Deep Scars Of Bondage

Hinduism has passed through a thousand years of foreign domination. During these centuries, its deepest ideas and cherished institutions were

VHP Brings 48,000 into Hindu Fold

Vishwa Hindu Parishad Calls Their Work a Triumph – Critics Expose the Covert Costs Christians would laud their missionary zeal,

Satellite TV Invades India

Uncensored Sex, Unnerving Violence and Titillating Soaps Seed a New Counter-Culture While the Gulf War secured an unprecedented military victory


Sripathi Sridhara Swamy lived in absolute silence as an ascetic for 18 long years while he studied holy scripture and

Scrutinizing Sugar, Part I

Recently, the question was asked: "Is sugar good or bad for us?" As usual, the answer is not all that

Let’s Talk About Abortion

“The Hindu religion does not condemn abortion, but advises against it.” We have been talking about some difficult and serious

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