January/February/March, 2009

January/February/March, 2009

Digital Dharma

Only a limited area of the ruins has been designated for conservation. The Archaeos mapping project has proved that the

In the Church of Oprah…

LAVINA MELWANI Who would have thought that a talk show host would be able to motivate millions to look within

Book Reviews

BY TARA KATIR INDIA’S WOMEN Stephen Huyler is well known to us from his previous books on India: Village India,

Vegetarian Myths Debunked

BY TAYLOR CLARK Every vegetarian remembers his first time. Not the unremarkable event of his first meal without meat, mind you.


Even as a reporter, i was always impressed with the majestic and pious presence of Swami Avdheshananda Giri in the

Youth – Finding the Pride

Sheetal Shah, 27, based in New York City, is the director of Development for the Hindu American Foundation, focused on fundraising

Avoiding Food Allergies

BY VIRENDER SODHI A food allergy or sensitivity is an adverse reaction to the ingestion of a particular food. It

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