January/February/March, 2015

January/February/March, 2015

Preceptor: Mother, Father, Guru, God

PRECEPTOR MOTHER, FATHER, GURU, GOD ______________________ Hindu dharma is fulfilled when we find and hold a spiritual preceptor in our

Borobudur Buddhist Temple

BOROBUDUR BUDDHIST TEMPLE ______________________ The largest Buddhist temple in the world and Indonesia’s top tourist attraction, built near the Prambanan

Quotes and Quips

Bear insult, bear injury, that is the highest sadhana. Swami Sivananda (1887-1963), founder of Divine Life Society If you desire

Letters to the Editor 1-2015

LETTERS YOGA IN SCHOOLS A school in the San Diego, California, area recently implemented a yoga program for their students.

From The Agamas: “I Am the Supreme Self”

FROM THE AGAMAS “I AM THE SUPREME SELF” ______________________ An elucidation of the sadhaka’s inner identification with the Absolute ______________________

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