July, 1997

July, 1997

Stars of Suicide

BY CHAKRAPANI ULLAL, Los ANGELES The extinction of the Heaven’s Gate group at the urging of Marshall Applewhite was not the

Dharma’s Puzzle Pioneer

If you find it difficult to solve the special crossword puzzle on the right, (please see hard copy) consider yourself

Reaching Out

By LILADHAR J. BHARADIA, KENYA With garlands in hand, Hindus and non-Hindus, VIPs and well-wishers gathered on January 10, 1997

The Spaceship Suicide

On March 23, 1997, the first 15 members of Heaven’s Gate, a self-described “cult of cults,” mixed phenobarbital with sweet

Kerala Siva Temples

By VRINDAVANAM S. GOPALAKRISHNAN Two thousand and more timber temples dot Kerala’s verdant landscape. Devotee’s devotion have created them in

Briefly . . .

H.H. SHANKARACHARYA Jayendra Saraswati, Peethadiswar of the Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, visited Nepal "to offer his blessings to King Birendra on

That Old-Time Religion

By JESSICA SAUNDERS, Associated Press Judge Roy Moore displays a plaque of the Christian Ten Commandments in his courtroom and

This Suicide Got No One to Heaven

BY SWAMI BRAHMAVIDYANANDA SARASWATI For the media to associate the lunacy of Heaven’s Gate suicides with Eastern beliefs is the

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