July/August/September, 2010

July/August/September, 2010

Book Reviews

BY TARA KATIR THE GAMES OF INDIA This coffee-table book from Marg Publications in Mumbai, The Art of Play, Board

Quotes and Quips

If you must be mad, be it not for the things of the world. Be mad with the love of

Letters to the Editor 7-2010

THANKS FOR FESTIVAL ISSUE I must tell you how thrilled I am to receive the April/May/June issue of Hinduism Today,

Nepal Style: Rites of Passage

BY ELLEN COON In Kathmandu, we are reminded constantly of how religion binds us to place and to each other.

Letting Go of Past and Future

Many individuals find that when they sit down to meditate their mind is constantly thinking about past and future events.

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