July/August/September, 2014

July/August/September, 2014

Special Feature– Rishikesh

image [iconz.jpg] HINDUISM TODAY’S journalistic team, Rajiv Malik and Dev Raj Agarwal, spent a week in Rishikesh in October, 2013, […]

In My Opinion: Dharma in Academia

IN MY OPINION DHARMA IN ACADEMIA ______________________ A plan to transform the study of Indic civilization ______________________ BY PROF. SHIVA

Global Dharma

KERALA TIME TO CELEBRATE! IN EARLY APRIL THE MALABAR REGION of northern Kerala celebrated its musical and colorful Pooram festivals.

Digital Dharma

[https://www.hinduismtoday.com] HISTORICAL SITES A DIGITAL TOUR OF ANGKOR WAT CURRENTLY THE LARGEST RELIGIOUS monument in the world, the 12th-century Angkor

Minister’s Message: Value Our Sadhus

MINISTER’S MESSAGE VALUE OUR SADHUS ______________________ Families should not hinder those who seek to devote their lives to the path

History: Pythagoras the Mystic

HISTORY PYTHAGORAS THE MYSTIC ______________________ Meet the Greek rishi who taught reincarnation, vegetarianism and more ______________________ Pythagoras is generally accepted

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