June, 1998

June, 1998


TRADE Basmati Saved India moved swiftly to challenge a US patent on “American Basmati” rice granted to the RiceTec company

The Divine Mother Of All Languages

By Swami Prakashanand Saraswati Our holy scriptures originated from God Himself. They were first revealed to the people of Earth

Children, Think About This

Merrick Johnston, age 9, sat at the feet of Vernon Tejas, a veteran mountaineer and guide, listening to his stories

Briefly . . .

A WASHINGTON STATE JAIL IN AMERICA is allowing inmates to join a ten-day Vipassana meditation program in an attempt to


POSTPONED: Official bestowal of the unprecedented "Parvatacharya" title (feminine equivalent of "Shankaracharya") on Guru Maa Jyotishanand Saraswati after sadhus, concerned

Digital Dharma

CD?ROM The Force is Within You The ancient art of ayurveda merges with technology in "The Wisdom Within," an interactive

Dipavali Debate

With reports from ANIL MAHABIR, DEVANT MAHARAJ and PARAS RAMOUTAR, Trinidad Each Fall the “Dipavali Village” is set up for

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