March, 1988

March, 1988


Bali in Sanskrit connotes a magical place where a great profusion and range of beings dwell – Supreme Being, spiritually

Rabbit’s Out/Dragon’s In

Retrospectives are the common fare of editorial columns as one year ends and another begins. After resisting this national pastime


Umashankar, S. Spiritual love is life. Spiritual life is love. Love is the medium or path to realize the life

Meditating Green Berets

Peruman, Ravi See yourself drawing in energy. You are relaxed. Now your consciousness fills the room. Now, as you expand,

Klang Mission Sadhana Camp

Klang Mission held their Third Annual Sadhana Camp from December 10th to 13th at the sea-side resort of Sri Pantai,

Saivism in The Sierras

A fresh, clean breeze brings the pungent smells of pine and rich, fertile soil as the first rays of dawn

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