March/April, 2000

March/April, 2000


Teaching Tool Thank you again for the lovely service you’re providing in enabling us readers to partake of this veritable […]


BOVINE Cow's This? The cow is an extremely important part of human life. Hindus regard the cow, symbol of all

Cruelty-Free Classrooms

BY SWAMI SATYAMAYANANDA No child understands violent methods, be he Indian, American or Chinese. A child undergoing traumatic experiences inevitably

Holy Sound Bites!

No sounds stir the soul as deeply as traditional Sanskrit chants. For years, the only way to hear these was

Digital Dharma

CD – ROM GANESHA Worship and learn about Ganesha with the new CD-ROM, "Shri Ganesh" by Munsai Multimedia. The high-tech

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