May, 1996

May, 1996

Antibiotic Insensitivity, Part 2

In the previous article [April 96] we noted that garlic has antibiotic and antioxidative properties. This month we will reveal

Scriptural Quotes

Burning as a flame and subtlest of the subtle, in which are firmly fixed the worlds and all their peoples–that

Music Reviews

VEDIC CHANTS: RUDRAM Sanskrit traditional vocal recited by Shri Yanamandra Nagayagna Sharma and Shri Hari Achutharama Shastry. A 1994 re-release

Thai Pusam – Malaysia!

Over one million people, more than six percent of Malaysia's entire population (and 70% of its Hindus), pilgrimaged to Batu

Working A Tightrope

This month we continue our series on the working mother versus the homemaker. In Part I [August, '95], we learned

Global Dharma

AYURVEDA:RESURGENCE THREAT TO HERBS INDIA'S ANCIENT MEDICAL SYSTEM is finally getting official recognition at home where the government of India

Karma, Free Will & Jyotisha, Part 3

Many people have questioned whether the sidereal astrology of Jyotisha is meant for Easterners, and tropical astrology is meant for

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