October/November/December, 2021

Starting a Hindu Club on Campus

It’s not necessary for devout Hindus to tolerate the secularized activities of “South Asian” college organizations—here’s my solution  By Anu […]

Dressing Ethnically

Encouraging traditional outfits is one way schools help students express their identity By Mugdha Shinde, California The first time i wore

How Satsang Made Me a Strong Hindu

Finally, I had a place to ask questions and get lucid and authoritative answers on theology, practices and issues that

Where My Pursuit of Dharma Took Me

The new Hindu Community Institute has begun training religious counselors to meet the needs of Hindus in America By Gaurav

Digital Dharma

DOCUMENTARY SERIES Hidden Drummers of India By Ratnavathy Sivalingam, Malaysia “It’s not just the rhythms that inspire me, but the

Letters to the Editor 10-2021

Raising Good Hindus  Sadar Pranam! I am Shri Vyaghra Yogi of the Vidya Yoga Ashram in Brazil. I want to

Global Dharma

NEPAL Yoga Becomes Required Class When school resumes in Nepal—covid allowing and assuming they can find enough teachers—hatha yoga will

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