Scriptural Quotes
Meat can never be obtained without injury to living creatures, and injury to sentient beings is detrimental to the attainment […]
Meat can never be obtained without injury to living creatures, and injury to sentient beings is detrimental to the attainment […]
Large numbers of women in India suffer cruel indignation (at best) and physical and emotional abuse and even murder (at
Ramayana Building A Global Network The Vishwa Sahitya Sanskriti Sansthan (Institute of World Literature and Culture) held its successful 10th
What Are Hinduism's Rites of Passage? Hindus celebrate life's crucial junctures by holy sacraments, or rites of passage, called samskaras,
LONG PILGRIMAGE: The Life and Teaching of The Shivapuri Baba, By John Bennett, pb., 188 pages, Turnstone Press Limited, Wellingborough,
This month our center section focuses on children and on the samskaras, or rites of passage, that take us from
In the days when the last century was approaching, Hindu swamis, Hawaiian kahunas, spiritualists (as new-agers were then called), African
Dear Abbotji: My unmarried daughter Mala is living in an ashram in India. We were all so happy about her