October/November/December, 2015

October/November/December, 2015

Quotes & Quips

The winds of grace are always blowing, but it is you who must raise your sails. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), celebrated

Global Dharma

EDUCATION CHAIR OF VEDIC STUDIES ESTABLISHED AT UC IRVINE IN EARLY MAY, 2015, THE Dharma Civilization Foundation celebrated the establishment

Letters to the Editor 10-2015

LETTERS AMERICAN BRAHMIN It was a delight to read the article “Emerson and the Transcendentalists” in the July/Aug/Sep, 2015, issue.

Saivites of London Interviews

[center][b]LONDON: A SRI LANKAN CITADEL OF SAIVISM HINDUISM TODAY, OCT/NOV/DEC 2015 INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS[/b][/center] NOTE: Space constraints of a print edition

Voices: London Movers and Shakers

VOICES—LONDON MOVERS AND SHAKERS Sri Sivagamaratnam Kamalanatha Kurukkal, Chief Sivacharya, Enfield Nagapooshani Ambaal Temple, BA (Hons) Hindu Civilization and Culture,

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