September, 1988

September, 1988

Religion Can Be Taught in Schools

A single-sheet pamphlet of potentially widespread influence was recently released by James Dunn of the Baptist Joint Committee on Public […]

Hindu women’s section

Subramuniyaswami, Sivaya H.H. First of all, many thanks to all of you for the helpful advice that each and everyone

RK Mission Head In North America

The USA and Canada were blessed this summer with the three-month visit of one of the Ramakrishna Mission's most venerable

A Bride’s Sacred Pendant

The bride is dressed like a goddess, sitting very still next to the groom beneath a mountainous canopy of flowers.

Feeding the Natural Way

In 1793, an American mother fed her baby cow's milk! It made news. But today, millions of babies get the


Daiya, Motilal P. The views offered by Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani to explain the practice of sati [Hinduism Today, Vol. 10/#7]

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