Teaching & Parenting

Did She Say “Play Quotient?”

Your daughter just turned one. She’s getting inquisitive, but is still fragile. What’s the prescription? Ask Dr. Toy! “She needs […]

Meatless Motherhood

By Devananda Tandavan There is absolutely no requirement for humans, including pregnant humans, to ingest animal foods. We get along

Bhangra in Barbados

By Lavina Melwani A mound of salt between them, the new bride, resplendent in her finery, shyly picks up a

Zero Tolerance For Child Battering

By Swami Bhavaharananda and Swami Shivapremananda I personally feel that punishment and fear are natural outcomes of the insufficiency and

Not Taking It Out on Kids

By Tara Katir You are out shopping with your child. She sees a treat and thinks she must have it.

Controlling Sibling Rivalry

What should I do when my children fight with each other?” This question opens the discussion on sibling rivalry in

Enrolling in Hinduism

By AJITH BRIDGRAJ The University of Durban-Westville was established in 1960 as an exclusively “Indian” university under the country’s apartheid

Better Discipline

Once parents resolve to never hit their children, what are they to do? There are many specific methods, but first

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