USA: Time Magazine has named a black Pentecostal megachurch leader in Dallas and the founder of the Internet’s hottest religion-based Web site among its six “innovators” in the world of religion and spirituality. Cable network CNN is preparing a televised companion to the 18-month series, which Time launched in June. Spiritual leaders cited by the magazine and sharing the honors are as follows: Bishop T.D. Jakes, pastor of the 26,000-member Potter’s House in Dallas and a prophet of the “prosperity gospel;” Rev. Virgilio Elizondo of the San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio, Texas, who pioneered the belief that Jesus was of mixed racial heritage; Steve Waldman, a 38-year-old Internet entrepreneur who founded, the Web’s hottest religion site; Byron Kate, a 58-year-old divorced grandmother who developed “The Work,” a New Age-Zen Buddhist program to help people take responsibility for life’s problems; Tariq Ramadan, a Geneva-based lecturer who says European Muslims need to develop an “Independent Islam;” Jan Willis, a professor of Buddhism at Wesleyan University, who was able to find peace in a racist society through Buddhist meditation.