Source: Deccan Chronicle

DHORI, INDIA, February 4, 2001: Thousands of villagers in quake-stricken Gujarat vowed to lead a more reverent life after local priests declared that the Earth, revered as Mother Goddess, had roared and shuddered under the weight of sin. After the January 26 earthquake, villagers believe they have to be more religious to avoid future disasters. Local priests said the quake was provoked by rampant corruption, rising immorality and neglect of religion. “Bad deeds are blacker than mascara and sins are heavier than the earth,” said priest Gosai Haripur. “Why else would our mother cause such destruction?” he asked. The quake devested Dhori, but struck at a time when most of the villagers were in the fields. Only 10 of its inhabitants died. Villagers said they never faced hunger and disease because people had decided to be good to each other since the disaster. People with cows are giving away milk free and those with fields are distributing food.