UTTAR PRADESH, INDIA, April 5, 2001: Before, no father wanted to marry his daughter to a boy in water-starved Raj Samadhiyala. Motivated by various non-governmental groups, however, Raj Samadhiyala and like villagers throughout India are now producing an undreamt-of bounty by “water harvesting.” The construction of thousands of earthen check dams, the recharging of tanks (reservoirs) and permanent ponds has raised the water table and increased forest cover. The dams, plentiful in ancient India, capture the seasonal monsoon rains before they run off the land, allowing the water to soak in and replenish the ground water. India’s demand for water will increase to 103 million hectare meters in 2025, up from 38 mham at present. Contact “source” above for more information on these projects.