PARIS, FRANCE, April 26, 2001: Lord Siva continues to fascinate the French literary world that has already seen the publication of numerous books on Him. Two more books on differing aspects of Siva have joined the list. “Le religion de Shiva” (The religion of Siva) which tries to explain Hinduism through the famed temple art of South India in the medieval ages, has been written by renowned Sanskrit scholar, N. Ramachandra Bhatt and translated into French by French Sanskrit scholar Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat. The second book, written by Catherine Clement, a renowned French writer and wife of a former French diplomat who had served in India, deals with Varanasi, a city closely related to Siva. “Bhatt has reunited Indian tradition, history, ethnography and art to approach one of the principal compositions of religion in India,” says Filliozat. Both the books were released recently by Indian Ambassador to France, Kanwal Sibal, at separate functions.