JERUSALEM, ISRAEL, April 20, 2000: With heads bowed, more than 1,100 Christians stood in Jerusalem to confess and repent two millennia of anti-Semitism in the name of Christianity. The two-hour service, held April 20, included Bible readings, hymns, talks, historical narratives, music and a 256-word confessional that moved many Christians and Jews to tears. The biblical passages in the narratives were read by eight clergy from different faiths, including Lutheran, Dutch Reformed and Anglican churches, from several countries including Canada, Estonia, Australia, South Africa, the Netherlands and Germany. The repentance service was part of a three-day conference as a “time to reflect, to repent, to get right with God and our elder brother, Israel,” according to The Jerusalem Post. There was no mention in this article of plans for Christians to apologize to the American Indians, Hawaiians, ancient Pagan religions of Europe, or any other the other cultures or faiths persecuted or wiped out in the name of “proselytization.”