ATLANTA, GEORGIA, May 19, 2001: The Atlanta Journal Constitution, one of America’s leading newspaper, has provided a respectful report on one of the many places in metro Atlanta where people regularly gather to pray and seek spiritual fulfillment, the Hindu Temple of Riverdale, Atlanta. The article describes the temple as one modeled on the 5000-year-old Tirupathi of South India, and goes on to give a history primer on Hinduism mentioning that the goal of human life being to realize the divine essence within ourselves and ultimately to become one with God. There are 40,000 Hindus in metro Atlanta and 1.3 million in the United States. The temple worship protocol is described, such as the removal of shoes, with worshippers sitting on the floor. The story is well researched, with people from the community interviewed. Symbolism of the deities are detailed, and the philosophy of karma, whereby every action having a consequence, is described in context.