WASHINGTON, D.C., May 24, 2001: More than 100 US lawmakers have written to President George W. Bush urging him to intervene against Afghanistan’s ruling Taliban militia’s edict that Hindus in the country identify themselves by wearing labels on their clothing, according to this report by India Abroad. Dozens of other news stories have appeared on this edict because of the similarity of the move to the Nazi’s treatment of the Jews. In fact, the story has been several times the lead story of the AP wire service, and once the second to top story on the New York Times. In all cases, the stories are completely sympathetic to the Hindus. The lawmakers wrote to President Bush, “We are writing to you today because we are extremely concerned after hearing news reports which indicate that the Taliban leadership in Afghanistan plans to force Afghan Hindus to wear labels on their clothing to differentiate them from Muslims. We urge you to immediately take steps that will convince the Taliban to withdraw this proposal. History has shown over and over that segregation of this kind can lead to genocide. This action alone is enough to raise that specter.”