WARSAW, POLAND, May 25, 2001: In an unprecedented ceremony, Polish bishops plan prayers Sunday to apologize for a 1941 massacre of Jews in northeastern Poland and the suffering by other Jews at the hands of Roman Catholics during World War II in the hope for reconciliation with Jewish groups who accuse them of being too tolerant of anti-Semitism. Cardinal Jozef Glemp is seizing the opportunity to make a much wider apology. “We know it has to be expanded, because Poles contributed to the extermination of Jews also in other places,” Glemp said. He went on to “apologize to God for all Polish citizens who harmed the citizens of the Jewish religion.” The apology was not extended to the Hindus for more distant atrocities, such as killing of Hindus in Goa, or destruction of temples in Sri Lanka by Catholics…. or for the ongoing crime of religion conversion.