DALLAS, TEXAS, May 25, 2001: A convention of 700 Keralite Hindus was held at the Thrimurti Nagar in Dallas, Texas, to facilitate a spiritual reawakening among the Malayalee-speaking Hindu community in North America. It was the first of its kind in North America, and was addressed by religious leaders from India and the United States, said K.G. Manmadhan Nair, organizing committee chairman. The future conventions will create a forum for children to share their common concerns and help them to continue the Hindu way of living, both socially and spiritually, strengthening the roots of Hindu culture among the younger generation, he said. Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi, head of the Ramadasa Ashram in Chengottukonam in Kerala, inaugurated the event. He suggested that a world parliament be formed for Hindus. Cultural programs included a concert and a Carnatic music recital.