NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 26, 2001: With the word “Yoga” and “expanding consciousness” everyday household words in America, India has taken on the task of restoring the ancient sciences in its colleges and universities. The University Grants Commission, responsible for much funding, is reviving courses on Vedic Astrology and Priestly Rituals, as well as establishing a new course on “human consciousness and yogic sciences.” Jawarharlal Nehru University has taken on the task of defining the curriculum for the new course and the chief proctor, Harbans Mukhia, interprets it as “a study of the biological, cultural, social, philosophical aspect of how a human being evolves.” Recommending that universities offer one, two and three year courses, the UGC foresees a separate department for these studies and will be forwarding a model curriculum as a guideline. Eight other universities have shown interest in reviving the ancient sciences on their campus.