WASHINGTON,D.C., May 27, 2001: Over forty years ago, the first influx of Indian Asian immigrants arrived in America. As students and professionals, they paved the way for Indian immigrants to become one of the highest-paid immigrant groups. These hard-working and persevering forefathers also suffered cultural shock, from the unavailability of their favorite curries and spices to no place to worship their beloved Gods, plus the challenge of avoiding American casual dating. While many of these new immigrants remained strong in their religious and cultural beliefs and starting building temples in America, explains this report, many fell into the confusion of the ABCD-American born confused Desi, those who tried to fit into the American life-style of eating meat and dating. However in the last ten years things have changed drastically for Asian-Indian immigrants. They often arrive to start working on high-tech jobs in a community where many Indians have already settled. A Hindu Temple is usually within driving distance, Indian grocery stores are around the corner, and music and videos in their native tongue are readily available. Since 1990 in Washington, D.C. alone, the Indian population has grown from 38,000 to more than 78,000 in the year 2000 by attracting the high-tech educated sector. Indian families are now competing with each other to see how Indian they can be by practicing their religion, encouraging their children to develop the Indian arts and speaking their native tongue.