Source: Hindustan Times

NEW DELHI, INDIA, May 21, 2001: In an effort to save India’s rivers, the Central Pollution Control Board has been doing some research. CPCB chairman, D.K. Biswas, uncovered information in the 8th century scripture called Brahmanda Purana that prohibits 13 actions on the sacred Ganga. Such actions as ablutions, defecation, throwing of used floral offerings, and discarding garments were all mentioned. All of these actions were forbidden so that the purity of the river could be protected. The CPCB Chairman says, “And present day rituals are the exact opposite of what has been prohibited in our scriptures.” Intach water expert Manu Bhatnagar comments that after massive bathing at the solar eclipse the river took a long time to cleanse itself and he also adds that cremation on the river banks should be banned as it is not done properly when remains and ashes are left behind.