MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA, June 26, 2001: As people do some serious soul searching in life to discover a faith that fits how they really feel on the inside, the Reform rabbinate offered by the Jewish religion might fit the bill. According to Rabbi David Ellenson, president of Hebrew Union College, new guidelines issued by the Reform sect of Judaism are an effort by rabbis to offer a more traditional approach to people seeking spirituality so that a healthy sense of community can be experienced. Expectant candidates for conversion are fostered through a series of events such as learning in the classroom, exploring spirituality and counseling by a rabbi. After these expressions of sincerity have been met, the new guidelines propose that the potential convert meet before a panel of three dedicated Jews. The guidelines make it very clear that the movement is open to new converts but they do not have an interest in proselytizing. This system of conversion among the Reform Jews closely parallels that of Hindus.