AHMEDABAD, INDIA, July 21, 2001: A new element to the three-year-old sparring between the Christian groups and the Hindutva bodies was added when the Gujarat unit of the All-India Christian Council charged the Congress with joining the Sangh Parivar (RSS affiliated) bodies to harass Christians. The charge followed a joint demonstration by the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the student wing of the RSS, and the Congress leaders in Rajkot recently to protest attempts by the management of the St Mary Convent School in Rajkot to impose “Christian religious code” on the students by not allowing them to wear bindis and bangles. In a communication to the National Human Rights Commission, the All-India Christian Council demanded a probe into the Rajkot incident before alleging even the Congress had joined the communal forces in their tirade against the Christians in Gujarat. No explanation is given in this report why the Christians felt they could curtail the religious rights of their Hindu students.