Source: Sandhya Times (Hindi)

RISHIKESH, INDIA, August 2, 2001: In the pilgrimage city of Rishikesh, use of polyethylene bags have been banned from August 1, 2001. According to the chief of the Nagar Palika Parishad Srimati Snehlata Sharma, a committee of citizens will keep an eye on the use of polyethylene bags, and five officials will be looking after the implementation. It has been informed that the users of polyethylene bags, whether they are buyers or sellers will be warned for the first time. There after, a heavy economic penalty has been proposed. If the polyethylene bags are found in front of any house, legal action can be taken against the neighboring residents as well. People are encouraged to bring their own cloth bag when shopping. The bags are a great hazard to the cows which roam freely as the plastic accumulates in their stomachs.