MAHARASHTRA, INDIA, Aug, 13, 2001: An improved kerosene lantern called “Noorie” has been designed and developed by Anil K. Rajvanshi and Sudhir Kumar of the Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute in, Maharashtra, India, but is getting little recognition. It is a pressurized mantle lantern producing a light equivalent to a 100-watt bulb and can run on diesel, ethyl alcohol and other fuels. It uses only 60% of the fuel required to get the same output from the current popular lantern, a Petromax, and operates more safely, at one-third the pressure. The Noorie, which costs US$5.43, also doubles as a cook stove. The lantern has potentially enormous importance in India. Many rural areas and even the cities rely on these lanterns when local electrical production is insufficient or fails.