BHUBANESHWAR, INDIA, August 27, 2001: Entering a temple to partake of the darshan exuding from the deity in the inner sanctum, is what makes Hindu temple worship so uplifting and special. The famous Jagannath temple in the state of Orissa has denied this privilege to non-Hindus. Priests (pandas) have been adamant about upholding this rule. According to the article, “Mahatma Gandhi was prevented from entering the temple as he was accompanied by Harijans, while Acharya Vinobha Bhave faced the wrath of the pandas for being accompanied by Muslims.” To honor the tradition, but still provide non-Hindus an opportunity to view the Lord, the Orissa tourism department has built an elevated platform on the northern side of the temple. From this vantage point, non-Hindus can pray and pay respects to the Lord.