NEW DELHI, INDIA, August 27, 2001: Two Indian research organizations possess colonies of embryonic stem cells, known as cell lines, which can develop into many other types of tissues and which scientists believe could create new treatments for diabetes and Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. The release today of a list of existing stem cell lines by the U.S. National Institutes of Health indicated that the two organizations, the National Center for Biological Sciences in Bangalore and Reliance Life Sciences in Bombay, have a total of 10 cell lines. Indian scientists said the Bush policy which grants federal money for work on 64 cell lines derived before Aug. 9, creates a windfall for researchers in such countries as India that do not face such constraints. “A lack of [U.S.] funding would not impede research,” said Firuza Parikh, founder and director of Reliance Life Sciences.