BANGALORE, INDIA: The government is keen to cash in on the sudden demand for ayurveda medical treatment from foreign tourists and will introduce it in three tourist resorts in Karnataka. Shortly, ayurvedic treatment procedures, especially “panchakarma,” will be start at Bhimeshwari in Mandya district, Devabag near Karwar and Kabini. Speaking to The Sunday Times of India, Tourism Minister R. Roshan Baig said: “Many tourists from abroad are interested in Indian systems of medicine and want to come here for treatment. It makes good tourist sense to introduce ayurvedic treatment and procedures to tap this segment.” In fact, figures released by the Planning Commission indicate that an estimated 300,000 tourists want to come to India specifically for ayurvedic treatment. At present only Kerala, and to some extent Gujarat, cater to these tourists, prompting the commission to ask states to make use of this fad to start centers and cater to the growing demand.