HOUSTON, TEXAS, September 25, 2001: Dismissals in divorce cases have skyrocketed in the Harris County Texas Family Law courts since Sept. 11. Couples now say they will try to patch things up. The Houston Chronicle reports that in the 10 working days since the day tragedy struck, about 400 family-law suits have been dismissed. “It’s a small sample, but one supported by anecdotal evidence from lawyers with clients who suddenly want to stop even contentious divorces.” One lawyer, Annette Henry, said she received telephone calls from clients right after the explosions, canceling their appointments. She waited for them to reschedule, but instead heard them say, “I just couldn’t go through with it. Now I want to keep the family together.” Henry says when someone files for divorce, the problems seem huge and insurmountable … but with a tragedy like this, whatever (the problem) was, no longer seems so significant. David Wells, associate minister of counseling services at a Houston church is not surprised by the trend. He says people are finally working seriously on their marriages, wanting to get their lives in order, and asking for emergency help with their relationship problems.